This is a simple definitions file that I use in my game engine, though this version was dumbed down for a 2D game engine I'll be working on.


#ifndef w_Definitions
#define w_Definitions

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1

#ifndef FALSE
#define FA...

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Thanksgiving Break

Airlines were helllllllllllllllll. >.< I missed every connecting flight I had, and I ended up missing most of the event I was checking out in Washington state. Of course things could have been better prepared for the first flight, but my choices were still limited since Newark only had flights out...

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The last two years of my life at RIT leaves something to be desired, as a result I've been itching to get out of here and go somewhere else that will help re-ignite my passion for learning and programming.

Nothing bad about RIT in particular, it's just how school systems are, requiring you to take...

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[Edit: Checkout the improved Vector2 class here: improved Vector2 blog post.]

Hey, it's been a while since I've posted anything, and I've been wanting to share this Vector2 class that I have written. It started being developed less than a year ago, and has undergone some minor changes since the...

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[Disclaimer: This is an experimental post, I would not actually completely condone using this; heck, I'm not even using this. I'm using a queue based event system with reference counting smart pointers.]

For the sake of experimenting, and to make a new and "safer" Event, I found out I could call a...

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