At the moment I'm in a turning point in my life, almost ready to graduate from college, and trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life. I find myself with an internal confrontation. I've been spending much of my life worrying about school, spending lots of time working on school work,...

I love UT3, and since it's the first in the UT series I really played, it is my favorite. I know, saying this will enrage countless hardcore UT fans. I had my friend Brett play online last night, and omg he was getting excited playing it! It was seriously like watching an excited k...
Is this not a fitting line for the start of a programmer's blog? ;P I know, I know, you must be sick of seeing it by now!
leetNightshade is my alias, and this is my blog. This is my realm. Welcome, visitors.
Okay, so this is the start of my new blog at, previously I had a te...