Looking to do Multithreaded programming? In order to do that you're going to need a Mutex to prevent threads from accessing data at the same time! There are different techniques of preventing threads from accessing the same data, but they can't guarantee problems won't happen, it has to be implemen...

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This is an improved Vector2 class I'm working on with suggestions from Leander Hasting, though I haven't touched upon all of them yet. Beyond that, some of the critiques seem subjective to a point, and other professionals he pointed me to, make the same argument; and that is the argument of the use...

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It's a very simple class, but I wrote what I'm calling a Timer, it has similar functionality to a stop watch. The Basic timer class relies on the Windows QueryPerformanceFrequency, so here's the function necessary for my Timer class:


#ifndef w_Time
#define w_Time

#include "../Definition...

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This is a simple definitions file that I use in my game engine, though this version was dumbed down for a 2D game engine I'll be working on.


#ifndef w_Definitions
#define w_Definitions

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1

#ifndef FALSE
#define FA...

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Thanksgiving Break

Airlines were helllllllllllllllll. >.< I missed every connecting flight I had, and I ended up missing most of the event I was checking out in Washington state. Of course things could have been better prepared for the first flight, but my choices were still limited since Newark only had flights out...

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